Evaluation of the "Programme to Improve the Life of People with Dementia" (PORTICUS)
Laufzeit: April 2019 – Mai 2022- Fields of Work: Care Innovations in the Healthcare Sector
- Research Project / Evaluation
Dealing with dementia patients is still primarily characterised by repression, taboo, and a lack of knowledge. Porticus has supported projects within the framework of a programme that aims to address this dilemma and that show ways in which society can be made more dementia sensitive. The focus is on people with dementia and their relatives, the general population and professional groups working with dementia patients. The projects work on different objectives and use different methods.
The programme is to be evaluated within the framework of the project. An overarching goal is to identify comprehensive and targeted strategies to increase dementia sensitivity. For the analysis, the decisive question is under which conditions and with which methods peoples’ subjective attitudes towards the disease can be positively influenced. The analysis first includes a concept evaluation in which the planning and first implementation steps of the projects as well as relevant literature on the topic are evaluated. In the in-depth analysis, more intensive evaluations will be carried out in case studies.
Project Duration:
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Project Owner:
Project Lead:
Project Staff:
Frederik Lucas
Cooperation Partners:
Project Homepage:
- Kirchen-Peters, Sabine; Lucas, Frederik (2021): Wie gelingt gesellschaftlicher Wandel im Umgang mit Demenz? In: Alzheimer Info, 4/2021: Seite 8-9.
- Kirchen-Peters, Sabine; Krupp, Elisabeth unter der Mitarbeit von Becker, Maximilian (2021):
iso-Report Nr. 6, Berichte aus Forschung und Praxis. Kulturwandel im Umgang mit Menschen mit Demenz. Evaluationsergebnisse aus dem Porticus-Programm zur Verbesserung des Lebens von Menschen mit Demenz. Saarbrücken. [Download] - SR-Interview:
Kirchen-Peters, Sabine: Trotz Demenz in Würde leben – aber wie? [Link]