About us
Short PresentationThe Institute for Social Research and Social Economy (iso)
is an independent and autonomous social science research institution. The institute conducts application-oriented social science research and provides consulting services for partners in politics, business, and administration. The mutual exchange of scientific knowledge and practical application in businesses, organizations, and society is at the core of the institute's work.
The iso-Institute was founded in 1969 and operates with an interdisciplinary scientific team encompassing social sciences, psychology, nursing sciences, and jurisprudence. For over 50 years, it has been successfully active in the research and consulting market without core funding. The institute's sponsors and clients primarily include federal ministries (BMBF, BMG, BMFSFJ, BMAS), as well as state ministries, foundations, the European Commission, municipalities, associations, chambers, and private sector businesses in industry and services.
The core of our work lies in applied-oriented social science research alongside with basic research and scientifically supported advisory services.
The iso-Institute is mainly active in the following work fields:
It is a distinctive feature of the work at the institute that there are diverse connections between the work and research fields. Typically, employees of the iso-Institute work simultaneously in various project teams.
In the course of project implementation, primarily qualitative methods of social research are used, which are supplemented by quantitative methods as needed.
The iso-Institute's applied and practice-oriented work provides scientific support to companies and organisations in their daily work and it also offers practical and political advice. We help companies and public administrations to develop operational design approaches and to create innovative services. Furthermore, we support them in the further development of a sustainable human resources policy.
The iso-Institute is a registered association with state-recognised non-profit status.